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学名:Habroteleia persimilis
Body length of female: 4.75–5.18 mm (n=20). Body length of male: 4.25–4.74 mm (n=20). Length of A3 in male: longer than A2. Punctation of frons above antennal scrobe: dense. Sculpture of antennal scrobe: punctate rugose to smooth. Central keel: present. Sculpture of ventrolateral frons: punctate rugose. Occipital carina: complete. Sculpture of posterior vertex: punctate rugose. Sculpture of gena: punctate rugose. Sculpture of occiput: densely finely punctate. Color of mesosoma: black. Sculpture of dorsal pronotal area: punctate rugose. Sculpture of lateral pronotal area: smooth anteriorly, foveate posteriorly. Sculpture of netrion: coarsely striate. Setae of netrion: sparse throughout. Sculpture of notaulus: contiguously punctate. Sculpture of mesoscutal midlobe: largely densely punctate, with a medial furrow and smooth areas laterally. Sculpture of lateral lobe of mesoscutum: sparsely punctate. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: rugose. Setation of mesoscutellum: dense. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: coarsely punctate rugose. Median propodeal projection: long. Mesopleural carina: distinct. Sculpture of mesepisternum anteroventral to mesopleural depression: punctate rugose. Sculpture of dorsal metapleural area: smooth. Sculpture of ventral metapleural area: rugose. Setation of ventral metapleural area: dense. Color of legs: orange-yellow. Sculpture of hind coxa: densely punctate. Color of metasoma: black. T1 horn in female: present. Sculpture of posterior margin of T1 in female: largely longitudinally striate with horn punctate rugose. Transverse sulcus on T2: present. Sculpture of T2–T5: densely longitudinally striate, with fine punctures in interstices. Sculpture of T6 in female: densely punctate. Length of T6 in female: distinctly longer than wide. Apex of T6 in female: round. Sculpture of S2: densely longitudinally striate, punctate in interstices. Sculpture of T1 in male: densely longitudinally striate, punctate rugulose in interstices. Male T8 apical spine: absent.